8th June 2011

Workshop on Global Growth and Economic Governance: Implications for Asia was held in America

The world economy has been undergoing massive and rapid changes and upheavals in recent times particularly with the global financial crisis (GFC) of 2008 and the ensuring Great Recession. While China, India and the rest of emerging Asia were not insulated from the GFC, they bounced back much more rapidly than the rest of the world and continued on their fairly steep growth trajectories. Not surprisingly, there has been much interest in understanding the various dimensions of the growth and integration patterns of emerging Asia with the rest of the world.

Against this background, the workshop on “Global Growth and Economic Governance: Implications for Asia” was held on 8th June, 2011, at George Mason University, Arlington Campus, with the co-sponsors of the Asia Pacific Exchange & Cooperation Foundation (APECF)/ New Asia Think Tank, the Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI) and the Center for Emerging Market Policies (CEMP) at the School of Public Policy, George Mason University, Virginia, US, and with support from Institute of Southeast Asian Studies (ISEAS), Singapore.

Mr. Steven Rockefeller Jr., the co-chairman of APECF delivered an opening speech for the conference along with Mr. Masahiro Kawai, the director of ADBI. Dr. Tang Min, counselor of the State Council, PRC as invited fellow from APECF presented a paper on “New Global Growth Engine: China”. And Dr. Xu Jingjing, the executive vice secretary-general of APECF chaired the “Asia Regionalism” panel.


World Bank, IMF, Brookings Institution, American Enterprise Institute, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, American University and Claremont Institute of Economic Policy Studies, etc. were also invited to attend the conference.



Mr. Steven Rockefeller Jr., (right) and Dr. Xu Jingjing at the Founder Hall , George Mason University


Mr. Steven Rockefeller Jr., (middle), Dr. Thomas Willett (left), Director of Claremont Institute of Economic Policy Studies and Dr. Tang Min (right) exchange viewpoints between meetings