September 24th, 2018

Xiao Wunan invited to attend 58th Asia-Pacific Film Festival

(From, Correspondent Li Chuanjun) On September 1st, Mr. Xiao Wunan, Executive Vice Chairman of Asia Pacific Exchange & Cooperation Foundation (APECF), at the invitation of the Federation of Motion Picture Producers in Asia-Pacific attended its board meeting in Taipei and at the same time attended the opening ceremony of the 58th Asia-Pacific Film Festival (APFF).

APECF Executive Vice Chairman Xiao Wunan attends 58th Asia-Pacific Film Festival.

Established in 1954, the Asia-Pacific Film Festival is hosted by the Federation of Motion Picture Producers in Asia-Pacific, which was formerly known as “Southeast Asia Film Festival” and “Asia Film Festival”. APFF is held annually and alternately in member countries. The main purpose of the APFF to raise the artistic standards of films in the Asia-Pacific region and promote the development of friendly relations between countries and regions by the dissemination and exchange of films in the Asia-Pacific region.

Asia Pacific Exchange & Cooperation Foundation has been promoting the development of the Asian film industry in recent years, aiming to spread Asian values globally through film productions. APECF has hosted the United Nations Film Festival, participated in the Brisbane Film Festival, which was founded by the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television, APECF also co-chaired the Macao Film Festival. APECF has maintained constructive cooperation with the Venice Film Festival, the Cannes Film Festival, the French Dover Film Festival and the Turkish Antalya Film Festival. In 2018, APECF also joined hands with well-known figures and institutions in the Chinese, Japanese and Korean film industries to establish the "Asian Music and Film Alliance" in Seoul, South Korea.

Mr. Xiao Wunan (center), Executive Vice Chairman of APECF, and Mr. Pansha (right), Secretary General of the Federation of Motion Picture Producers in Asia-Pacific, pose for a group photo.